
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “María del Pilar López” ,找到相关结果约724607条。
Comparison of Feminine Gender Norms among Spanish and American College Women  [PDF]
María del Pilar Sánchez-López, Isabel Cuéllar-Flores
Psychology (PSYCH) , 2011, DOI: 10.4236/psych.2011.24047
Abstract: This article describes the psychometric characteristics of the Conformity to Feminine Norms Inventory (CFNI; Mahalik et al., 2005) in a group of Spanish college women (n = 383), and explores cross-cultural differences in feminine role norms. Factor analysis reveals a profile similar to the one obtained in the USA and, albeit differing in some aspects, in general it supports the authors’ proposed structure. Reliability and corelations between sub- scales were adequate. Participants endorsed less traditional views toward 4 of the 8 feminine norms of the CFNI and reported significantly less conformity than comparable American students. Only the Domestic norm re- ceived greater endorsement by Spanish women in this group. The findings support the suitability of the CFNI for use in the Spanish group and establish an empirical base for future studies of Spanish femininity. Cross-country differences are discussed.
Occupational Stress versus Cortisol Associated with Psychological Variables and Gender Differences among Women and Men in Nursing  [PDF]
Virginia Dresch, María del Pilar Sánchez-López, Ana Isabel Saavedra
Health (Health) , 2015, DOI: 10.4236/health.2015.77099
Abstract: The present research focused on a sample of Spanish male and female nurses to determine whether psychological variables are related to occupational stress and cortisol. Spanish male (n = 98) and female (n = 98) nurses, matched in diverse sociodemographic variables, completed measures of occupational stress, cortisol 8 am (8 h), and cortisol 8 pm (20 h), and psychological variables. Multivariable regression analyses revealed different patterns of association among the variables when analyzing subjective and (occupational stress) objective indicators (cortisol at 8 h and cortisol at 20 h). In male nurses, higher stress is related to worse self-perceived health, worse mental health, less cortisol measured at 8 h, and more morningness. For the female nurses, higher stress is related to being younger, worse self-perceived health, and less job satisfaction. The only similarities found in the target variables and the measures of stress studied in the groups of males and females are worse self-perceived health and worse mental health associated with more occupational stress.
Conformity to Traditional Gender Norms in a Feminized Occupation: The Influence on Health Behaviors  [PDF]
María del Pilar Sánchez-López, Ana Isabel Saavedra, Virginia Dresch, Rosa Limi?ana
Health (Health) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/health.2014.620317
Abstract: The object of this study is to examine the relationships between conformity to traditional gender norms and health in a special group of the Spanish population, male/female nurses. Nursing is a particularly good example of feminized occupation. Spanish male (n = 98) and female (n = 98) nurses matched in diverse sociodemographic variables complete measures of gender norms and health behavior variables. Measures of conformity to gender norms in female and male nurses are compared with those of the general population. The analysis of the inter-gender relationships and health highlights a clearly masculine pattern for men and a clearly feminine one for women. A detailed analysis of the scores in each of the scales reveals a pattern of illness in male nurses that is still masculine despite their lower conformity, as a group, to masculine norms, and a clearly feminine illness pattern in female nurses. The consideration of gender from a multidimensional perspective (the different factors that make up Masculinity and Femininity, as assessed in this work) has allowed us to study the relations between gender norms and health in more detail. Limitations and implications are discussed.
Quiroz, Enriqueta y Diana Bonnett, coords. Condiciones de vida y de trabajo en la América colonial: legislación, prácticas laborales y sistemas salariales. Bogotá: Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Centro de Estudios Socioculturales e Internacionales-ceso, 2009.
María del Pilar Martínez López-Cano.
Historia Crítica , 2010,
Beatriz Rojas (coord.), Cuerpo político y pluralidad de derechos. Los privilegios de las corporaciones novohispanas
María del Pilar Martínez López-Cano
América Latina en la historia económica , 2009,
Las salas y su dotación en las casas de Santafé de Bogotá
López Pérez María del Pilar
Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura , 1997,
Abstract: Es indiscutible el avance que ha tenido el país en las últimas décadas respecto a la valoración y cuidado del patrimonio cultural relacionado con el bien mueble. Sin embargo las investigaciones sobre la dotación de la casa de los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII, son escasas y apenas hoy se vislumbran los caminos hacia la cobertura de este campo. También son incipientes las investigaciones sobre las complejas estructuras sociales que se dieron en esa época, información que ayudaría a comprender la organización de la casa, sus tipologías y su ubicación en el contexto urbano, y por consiguiente permitiría aproximarse a la identificación y clasificación de los objetos de uso propios de su dotación.
Personality Styles, Psychological Adjustment and Gender Differences in Parents of Children with Congenital Disabilities  [PDF]
Rosa M. Limi?ana-Gras, María del Pilar Sánchez-López, María Teresa Calvo-Llena, Francisco Javier Corbalán
Health (Health) , 2015, DOI: 10.4236/health.2015.711163
Abstract: The present study analyzes the psychological adaptation of parents with children having congenital disabilities. The study included 83 men and 96 women, who were parents of children with severe spina bifida, cerebral palsy, cleft lip and cleft palate. The Millon Index of Personality Styles was used to identify the most distinctive personality styles of parents caring for a child with a chronic disability and parental psychological adjustment. We also investigated if personality profiles differ by gender, and educational and socioeconomic level. The personality styles identified may serve as indicators of the way parents adapt to the child with a congenital disability. The results also suggest that a child’s disability has a differential impact on men and women. Gender issues are evaluated, as well as any repercussions these may have on women.
Prevalence and Genotype Distribution of Oncogenic-Risk Human Papilloma Virus in the Cervix of Climacteric Women with Normal Pap Smears  [PDF]
Miguel ángel Olalla Herrera, Isabel María Jurado Navarrete, Rosario Moyano López, Susana Pérez Rodríguez, María Pilar Espejo Reina, María del Mar Olalla Jiménez
Open Journal of Epidemiology (OJEpi) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/ojepi.2014.43022

Objective: To find out the incidence of high-risk HPV infections on climacteric women within our area of influence; and to typify HPV genotypes on women with normal cytology that come to our hospitalary unit of menopausia. Material and Method: Cross-sectional study; with a random sample of 140 cases of climacteric women of ≥50 years of age, with normal Pap smears for the last 12 months. HPV determination was carried out by PCR for screening, and by hybrid capture for genotype typification. Results: The percentage of climacteric women who are carriers of oncogenic HPV and a normal Pap smear was of 11.43% (16/140 cases). The genotype found most frequently was HPV-16, followed by HPV-58, 51 and 18. Conclusions: We found a high prevalence of women who were carriers of oncogenic HPV in climacteric women with normal Pap smears (latent infections) in our health region. We consider that cervical cancer screening, either by PCR or conventional Pap smear, should not be minimized or ignored from 50 years of age onwards.

Terceras partes como coordinadores de redes organizacionales soportadas por relaciones sociales
Arroyo López,María del Pilar Ester; Cárcamo Solís,María de Lourdes;
Revista de Ciencias Sociales , 2010,
Abstract: at present, to improve economic competition, businesses work together, coordinated in productive networks supported by service companies that integrate small firm production with the demand of international customers. in the case of the artisan districts of tonalá and tlaquepaque in the state of jalisco, mexico, these service firms are identified as the ?consolidators? or trade intermediaries who handle international commerce procedures and handicraft distribution. the objective of this work was to analyze the role of these consolidators in integrating a social network that facilitates market transactions and production activity improvement. the detailed study of four specific cases made it possible to conclude that consolidators are more than simple brokers; they also act as agents who transfer knowledge, customs and experiences, making the design and manufacture of local handicrafts attractive to international markets. the consolidator also facilitates producer-customer relations, consolidates the production of many manufacturers, negotiates and endorses commercial contracts. the study concludes that consolidators have a critical position in the handicraft network due to their role as coordinators of productive activities and logistics and their contribution to product export and the formation of social capital.
Life style: progress in measuring life style and its relation with other psychological concept Estilo de vida: avances en su medida y sus relaciones con otros conceptos psicológicos
María del Pilar Sánchez López,Marta Aparicio García
Revista de Psicología , 2001,
Abstract: Studies on life styles ha ve driven us to consider three studies which analyse the concept and its relationship with other psychological variables. The first study presents an analysis of the activities carried out by a person, asan operational definition of life styles using ADIT self-registering (Self-Registeringof Time Distribution, SRTD), considering individuals who interact with subject in those activities. In the second study, modifications to the original self-record are suggested; eg, the sectionthat registers where and with whom are carried out the activities was eliminated. In the third study, the relationships among life styles, life satisfaction and personality variables are analysed. Therewere 84 persons in the sample assigned to 6 groups, depending on the relationships among these three concepts, as was previously suggested by other studies Los estudios sobre estilos de vida (EV) conducen a plantear tres investigaciones que analizan elc oncepto y sus relaciones con otras variables psicológicas. Primero, se presenta el análisis de las actividades realizadas por la persona, como operativización de los estilos de vida a partir del autorregistro ADIT (Autorregistro de Distribución del Tiempo) en relación con las personas con las que lossujetos realizan dichas actividades. Segundo, se plantean modificaciones del autorregistro original; por ejemplo, se eliminó el apartado que registra dónde y con quién se realiza las actividades. Tercero.se analizan las relaciones entre los EV, la satisfacción vital y las variables de personalidad en 84 personas. Estas se organizan en seis grupos, de acuerdo con las relaciones entre estos tres conceptos,como se ha venido apuntando en trabajos previos

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